Open Plan, Private House, 38m², Capital Renovated

Մեծամոր, 4 թաղամաս, 38
Ազատ նախագծով Սեփական Տուն, 40քմ, Կապիտալ Վերանորոգված

A beautifulhouse, cottage in Metsamor is for sale. The house is renovated. The house hasan area of ​​38 square meters. The house has a bedroom, living room, kitchen,bathroom.

The landarea is 560 square meters. There are fruit trees in the yard. The house isequipped with the necessary security system.

It has agarden with fruit trees,

A beautifulview of Mount Ararat opens.

If you haveany questions, you can call the number listed:


We presentfor sale a beautiful house in the private sector in Metsamor. The house isrenovated. The house has an area of ​​38 square meters. The house has abedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom.

The landarea is 560 square meters. A gazebo, a barbecue area are being built in theyard. There is a garden in the yard, fruit trees in the garden. The house isequipped with all the necessary security amenities. Video surveillance iscarried out. B house has all communications, internet, television, videocameras.

recreationarea, beautiful garden with fruit trees.

young fruitbearing trees, flowers

There aremore than 20 fruit trees in the garden, several varieties.

The gazebois being built, the barbecue area is ready nearby.

A housewith a fruit garden and a view of Mount Ararat

peach,plum, apricot, fig, garnet, here:

There isalso a garage area in the yard.

VIP agentsdon't bother!!!


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  • Security system
  • Brazier
Communal amenities
  • Permanent water
  • Hot water
  • Sewerage
  • Irrigation water

$50 000
Location:Armavir, Mecamor
Significance:Private house
Rooms:Оpen plan
House area38 m
Land area560 m
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ART ATYAN (Private) in since 27.02.2025